We strive to achieve the highest quality of our translations, that’s why our translations are being proofread. Our proofreaders ensure the absence of various style, punctuation or other mistakes. The translated text is being properly edited by vocabulary, word formation, morphology and syntax rules. Our proofreaders know their work and do it carefully and responsibly, because we always pursue the best quality possible.
We are currently offering these proofreading services:
• Lithuanian word spelling, punctuation, style proofreading.
• Webpage and internet portal editing and ongoing proofreading.
• Promotional texts and articles proofreading.
• Presentation proofreading.
• Products and services description proofreading.
• Menu proofreading.
• Greeting and occasional text proofreading.
• Official letters, reports and other subject correspondence proofreading.
• Business cards texts proofreading.
Editing & Proofreading
You can choose the type of proofreading by yourself:
• Essential proofreading – text proofreading on the basic level, correcting the most obvious language mistakes, vocabulary and incorrectly used terms. You will have correctly written text as a result
• Style proofreading – text proofreading on stylistic level, correcting the most obvious language mistakes, vocabulary and incorrectly used terms, correcting the style and structure of the text. The nature, the purpose, the addresser and the addressee of the text and other factors are taken in account while editing. You will have a text that meets all the requirements of good speech as a result.
• Periodicals proofreading – we will proofread, edit, correct and consult the authors of the publications, support writing and editing, prepare special vocabulary lists during an advertising campaign. This will help you to get timely editing of your texts.